Franklin County Quilter's Guild
January 17, 2007
52 members present.
New member: Elaine Sweatt.
Guests: none.
THANK YOU cards read that were received from Laurie's
House and breast cancer survivors.
SECRETARY'S REPORT: Correction to name of guest, Vicki Machia.
Gina Meigs made a motion to accept as corrected; Carol Stanley seconded.
Motion passed.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Marilynn Jessiman made a motion to accept;
Phyllis Fletcher. Motion passed.
Quilt Show chair Sally McIntyre
brought sign up sheets for various quilt show volunteers and encouraged
everyone to sign up. Much help is needed. There will be Quilt
Show committee meetings at the Northwestern Medical Center meeting rooms,
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Wednesday, January 31st, February 21st, and March
21st. Everyone is welcomed to meetings.
- City Hall has a $100.00
per day fee for use of the gymnasium; the recreation department has agreed
to only charge for one day. Quiche Perry mentioned that SAFF,
St. Albans For The Future, could “sponsor” the Quilt Show and have the fee
waived. Sally and Quiche will explore this. Need for availability
of working tables was mentioned. Members were reminded that many
quilts are needed for the show as well as silent auction items and FQs.
- Quilt show entry forms
are available; see your newsletter for two forms. Please submit
entry forms as early as possible.
- Raffle Quilt: Quiche
Perry and Shireen Melton showed the finished top of raffle quilt; the quilt
is very nice and brilliant. Karen Gibson has already volunteered
to quilt it for the guild.
- Raffle Quilt Tickets:
Please pick up your tickets tonight; Beth Fancher will mail tickets
to anyone who hasn't already picked them up.
- Silent Auction: Nancy Orcutt
has received one item so far; we need about 30 items for the auction to
be successful.
Charity Quilt: Mary Ellen Therrien showed the
finished top of the Charity Quilt in a bow-tie pattern; the quilt is bright
and cheery. Any extra blocks will be used to make hospice quilts.
The timing of the raffle quilt and charity quilt projects was discussed.
Need to start one of the quilts at an earlier date. This will be discussed
at the February meeting.
Breast Cancer Quilts: These quilts are much
appreciated by the survivors and the community. Discussion followed
whether to continue the project. Shireen Melton made a motion, seconded
by Gerda Thibault to continue the project. Motion passed. Bonnie
Evans volunteered to chair the project for 2007. Nancy Orcutt made
a motion, seconded by Susie Perry, to designate the proceeds of this year’s
tea cup auction to purchase fabric for the quilts. Quiche mentioned
she can buy fabric bolts and FQ collections at cost. Bonnie will work
with Quiche to investigate buying fabric at cost.
Food Drive: Bring non-perishable food items
to the February meeting for the food drive. In case of snow day cancellation
in February, the drive will be in March.
Meeting Cancellation: Check your email before
starting out to the meeting to make sure it isn't cancelled. Cancellation
would be prior to 4:00 pm. Check radio station also.
Guild Meeting Location: The February and March
meetings will be at the Church of the Rock on Monday the 12th both months.
Discussion on meeting location resulted in decision to remain at the Church
of the Rock. The concern seemed to be that FCQG meeting dates were
not entered in calendar. Sally McIntyre suggested getting written
confirmation of meeting dates. We can revisit this issue if meeting
changes become problematic.
Requests for 2008 Charity Quilt: If guild members
know of a worthwhile charitable organization for our charity quilt, ask
the organization to send a letter to the guild in care of Sharon Perry.
Quilting Bees:
- February Bee, Saturday, February
17th, and possibly the 18th, at the Northwestern Medical Center Conference
Room. Please contact Sally McIntyre if you plan to attend .
- March Bee, Saturday & Sunday,
March 3rd & 4th, at the Bakersfield Historical Society on the Rt 36
extension. Please contact Marilyn Jessiman if you plan to attend.
BOM: Phyllis Fletcher won the 14 pine
tree blocks. Marilynn Jessiman explained the February BOM which is
a maple leaf. The unfinished block should measure 10 ½” by
10 ½”.
PROGRAM FOR FEBRUARY: The program for February will feature three
events: mini-classes; a FQ swap (100% cotton ONLY); and a charm swap
of 5”-inch squares (100% cotton ONLY). Contact Shireen to sign up for
a mini-class. The FQ swap will be an honor system; bring in a FQ and
“swap” it with another brought in. For the charm swap, put 25 different
fabrics of 5” squares along with your name. During the meeting, Shireen
will divide the charms up so each person gets 25 fabrics different from
those they brought in for each baggie of charms brought in.
Quiche Perry spoke about one of the mini-classes on the "Victorian sewing
box.” Class limited to first 10 people to sign up. Others will
be observers and the kit will be made available to them to make at home.
Cost of kit is $25.00 (pre-paid) for all materials including the sewing
notions. If you wish, you may drop entry fee at Quiche's store, Creations
Abound, on Main Street in St. Albans.
MONTHLY DRAWINGS: Door prizes were won by Christina Smith, Jeannette
LaPierre and Susie Perry.
Shireen Melton will be signing up guild members to take the workshop, “Size
Really Does Matter,” on April 21st. Workshop fee is $30.00 due at
sign-up. There is an additional fee of $10 for the patterns only
(you supply your own fabric) or a fee of $38.00 for the patterns and hand-dyed
fabrics to complete the project.
THANK YOU to Smitty for graciously coming to meeting and sharpening scissors.
SHOW & TELL: Talent abounds!
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Rixon, Secretary