Franklin County
Quilter's Guild
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2008
- 56 Members
present; no new members; and no guests.
- Thank you’s
-- Note read from Franklin/Grand Isle Habitat for Humanity; quilt raised
over $2500
Forey made a motion to accept; Marilynn Jessiman seconded. There was
no discussion; motion carried.
Christiansen made a motion to accept; Nancy Orcutt seconded. There
was no discussion; motion carried.
- 2008 Charity
Quilt: Co-chair Denise Chase displayed the quilt top which was assembled
at the January quilt bee. A wide backing has been donated along with
the batting, so the quilt is ready for machine quilting.
- Breast
Cancer Quilts: Three members volunteered to take quilts home to quilt.
Bonnie has more kits available.
- Quilt Show:
Sally McIntyre announced that registration forms will be available and pictures
would be taken of the quilts at the February meeting at which time preparations
will be made for the quilt show. The quilt show is scheduled for Saturday
and Sunday, April 5th and 6th. Sally encouraged more people to attend
the quilting bees even if only for an hour or two. Also, Fat
Quarters are needed for the “Basket of FQs” prize. Please bring them
to the February meeting.
- 2009 Charity Quilt: Letters making request should
be sent to FCQG, c/o Sharon Perry, PO Box 517, Montgomery Ctr, VT 05471,
not later than February 4th, 2008. Letter should include organization's
mission/ objectives and service to Franklin/Grand Isle County; service examples
and statistics are encouraged.
- Quilting
Bees: Quilt show ribbons will be made at the next quilting bee.
- FCQG Food
Drive: The guild’s food drive will be in February; bring your donations
of non-perishable food items to the February meeting. Gerda Thibault
volunteered to drop off food collected at our food drive.
- Other Old
Business: Bonnie made a plea for batting and backing fabric for quilts
to be donated to the Hospital Palliative Care for adults who are in for
long term care. Quilts are 45” x 60”. Sharon Perry thanked those
members who had already donated items based on the email request.
- Raffle
Tickets: Please see Beth Jessiman to pick up raffle tickets.
- Silent
Auction: Diane Forey & Nancy Orcutt, co-chairs, would like to
have about 30 items for silent auction, such as table runners, bags, etc.
Deadline is the March meeting.
- As of December,
34 WIPs were completed. Shireen Melton was the winner for most WIPs
completed for the December meeting. Enter your name for each WIP finished.
Running stats will be included in meeting packet each month.
- February
meeting will be on Monday, February 11, 2008.
- Changes
to membership list: Denise Chase, email changed to;
Beth Fancher is now Beth Jessiman and her email changed to;
Rolande Fortin, email changed to
- Staples
Business Rewards reminder (use phone #868-7168)
- Sewing Day at
Johnson Town Hall, January 26 - 27, 2008. Contact Barb O'Toole, 635-9384,
for more info.
- The Champlain
Valley Guild is sponsoring a bus trip on Saturday, January 26th, to Quilted
Threads Quilt Shop in Henniker, NH, and Sunshine Carousel Quilt Shop in
Grantham, NH. Cost is $30.00. Bus will be leaving from Williston
at 7:00 am and returning at 5:30 pm. Contact Ruth Whitaker at Sew Many
Treasures if you are interested in joining the trip.
BOM: Gisele Nolan won
the BOM raffle blocks. Marilynn Jessiman showed the February block.
If anyone is missing instructions for any of the BOMs, contact Marilynn
members will be voting on the “Ugly Fabric Challenge” quilts. Various
prizes will be awarded.
drawing prizes awarded to Deb Chagnon, Bev Cook, Phyllis Fletcher, Gerda
Seven quilts were displayed.
SHOW AND TELL: Once again,
many beautiful quilts!
PROGRAM: "Hot Dog" pillowcase
demonstration with Phyllis Fletcher and scissors sharpening with Smitty.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Rixon, Secretary