Franklin County Quilter's Guild
May 17, 2006 Minutes

59 members present

In May 1996, Carol Doak was scheduled to come to our guild for April 1998.

Lorraine Pike made a motion to accept; Teela Dufresne seconded.  Motion passed.

Nancy Orcutt made the motion to accept; Gerda Thibault seconded.  Motion passed.

**Nominating committee presented the following nominations    
  for the 2006-2007 year:
*President :  Sharon Perry
*V. President:  Ann Pitt
*Secretary:  Rose Rixon
*Treasurer:  Deb Dusablon
*Programs:  Shireen Melton
*Projects:  Gail Darling, Marilyn Jessiman
*Membership:  Susie Perry
*State Guild Rep:  Sharon Perry
*Quilt Show Chair:  Ann Pitt
    Silent Auction:  Nancy Orcutt & Diane Forey
    Vendors:  Quiche Perry
    Demos:  Lorraine Pike
*Raffle Quilt:  Quiche Perry
*Raffle Tickets:  Beth Francher
*2007 Charity Quilt:  Mary Ellen Therrien
*Family Center:  Joyce Koss
*Home Health:  Alyce Bushey
*Ronald McDonald:  Denise Chase
*Purple Heart:  Sally McIntyre
   Teela Dufresne made a motion to accept the nominations; Phyllis Fletcher seconded.  Motion passed.

A summer Quilting Bee will be hosted by Marilynn Jessiman.

Guild Pin:  Awaiting arrival in June. 

2006 Charity Quilt was presented to Mary Anne Wood & Linda Sturgess to be raffled to benefit the Linda Wood Mason Breast Cancer Walk.

Blocks for Kirsten Kebbel were extended until June.

Very positive feedback for Sharon Perry and her husband for creating the website.

The Orphan Block Box will be brought in.  Members were asked to bring in blocks to keep for an occasional emergency quilt if needed in the future.

Lisa Souza will have Flag Quilt Kits available for purchase at our June meeting.

Our Fabulous 15 Challenge is #8.

Quiche Perry presented us with 2 choices to choose from for our 2007 Raffle Quilt.

Raffle Blocks were won by :
Monthly Drawing was won by Carol Stanley, Dale McFeeters, Mary Ellen Therrien, Denise Chase.

June meeting will be a Tea Cup Auction & Potluck Dinner to begin at 6:00 pm. 

Meeting adjourned to enjoy a wonderful presentation by Marilyn Gillis.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Evans, Secretary