Franklin County Quilter's Guild
October 18, 2006

    68 members present.
No new members.
4 Guests: Donna Rath, Rebecca Ryer, Pat Gervais and Judith Hoffman.
Sharon Perry read letter in gratitude from recipient of FCQG quilt.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Marilynn Jessiman made a motion to accept; seconded by Phyllis Fletcher.  Motion passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Teela Dufresne made a motion to accept; seconded by Nancy Orcutt.  Motion passed.


    Raffle Quilt:  Quiche Perry absent; Susie Perry reported need for more fabric in yellow, red  & orange.

    Raffle tickets: Beth Fancher, no report.

    2007 Charity Quilt:  Mary Ellen Therrien absent; Elaine Magnan reported need for bright colored fabric in dark & medium warned quilters not to cut off excess fabric on “bow ties”.

    Quilt Show: Lorraine Pike, chair, is having health problems; guild needs to find someone to step up and volunteer to chair quilt show.  Many committees for quilt show already in place.

    Home Health, Family Center and Ronald McDonald Quilts:  Denise Chase has 5 kits ready with instructions included.

    Purple Heart Quilts:  Sally McIntyre still looking for help to make signs for quilts to be displayed in bank window on Main Street.

   Laurie’s House:  This discussion was carried over from the September meeting.  Susie Perry spoke on the need for adult and children sized quilts for Laurie's House. 

   Discussion followed on our commitment to charity quilts to various organizations.  Bonnie Evans made a motion to temporarily suspend donations to Ronald McDonald House until need arises.  Susie Perry seconded.  Motion carried. 

   Shireen Melton withdrew her amendment carried from the September meeting. 
   Denise Christiansen suggested that guidelines be provided for quilt size, color for gender and age of recipients so members could make charity quilts using their own stash.
   Quilt Pink Day:  Quilting bee was a huge success; quilts fro breast cancer survivors were made at the quilting bee on September 30th.  Thanks to Bonnie Evans for organizing the event. 

   A special Show and Tell showed the many quilts in various stages of completion.


    Quilting Bees:  
       Home Health Offices, October 28th and 29th
       Public Safety Bldg., Montgomery Ctr, November 18th.

    No other new business.

FABULOUS 15 CHALLENGE:  This month's number is 10.

   Green Mountain Quilters’ Guild meeting:  October 21st.
   A Quilters’ Gathering:  November 2nd - 5th; several guild members plan to attend.
   Quilt Retreat with Froncie Quinn, November 10th - 12th.
   Betty Morgan still has tickets available for Champlain Valley
   Quilters’ Guild raffle quilt.  Quilt Show is on November 4th & 5th in the Coach Barn at Shelburne Farms.
   Mike Boulerice of St. Albans Recreation Department is looking for someone to teach quilting, with pay.  Call Mike at the St. Albans City Recreation Department, phone number 524-1519
   Email; looking for feedback about local quilt shop in St Albans.
   Sympathy was extended to Sandra Casavant on the death of her grandmother, Ruth Schaefer, also a guild member.

BLOCK OF THE MONTH:  Beth Fancher won the raffle blocks and donated them to Marie Baron in gratitude for Marie’s many kindnesses to the guild.  Marilynn Jessiman provided instructions for next month's BOM, the Bear Paw block; she also provided the mystery quilt instructions which are based on the BOM.  For help, call her at 827-3199.

MONTHLY DRAWINGS:  Marilynn Jessiman,  Judy Carpenter, and Carol Guyette.

SHOW AND TELL:  Members were entertained viewing many lovely quilts made by guild members.

PROGRAM:  Artist in Residence workshops
    Sharon Perry:  Accurate ¼ inch seams 
    Marilynn Jessiman and Gail Darling:  Paper piecing
    Bonnie Evans:  Machine quilting

Respectfully submitted,
Rose Rixon, Secretary